Kutuki Harutsuna (朽木晴綱)

Harutsuna KUTUKI (1518 - 1550) was Mototsuna KUTSUKI's father. He was a child of Tanetsuna KUTSUKI (Sengoku busho; Japanese military commander in the Sengoku period). His wife was a daughter of Masatsuna ASUKAI. He was the lord of Kutsuki-dani-jo Castle in Omi Province. The Kutsuki clan was a branch family of the Takashima clan. He called himself 'Harutsuna' after he was granted to use a portion of the real name of Yoshiharu ASHIKAGA.
His common name was 'Yagoro.'
Kunai shoyu/Kunai no sho (Junior Assistant Minister of the Sovereign's Household)
His brothers were Fujitsuna KUTSUKI, Shigetsuna KUTSUKI, Naotsuna KUTSUKI and Terutaka KUTSUKI.

He served as hokoshu (a military post in Muromachi Shogunate) of Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun). In Kutsuki-dani, he and his family harbored several Ashikaga shoguns who were driven out of Kyoto by the Hosokawa clan or the Miyoshi clan like Yoshizumi ASHIKAGA in 1507, Yoshiharu ASHIKAGA in 1528, and two more cases in 1551 after Harutsuna died. Also, on the side of Yoshiharu ASHIKAGA he fought with warlords dispatching troops. However, in 1550 when he fought in Tawarayama of Kawakami-sho, Takashima county with Takashima Ecchu no kami (Governor of Ecchu Province) from the Takashima clan, who was the head family of the Kutsuki clan, he died in the war.

[Original Japanese]